Tuesday March 25, 2025 1:30pm - 2:15pm MDT
Are you preparing to upgrade your Oracle platform and facing challenges with updating user instructions, ensuring smooth adoption, or equipping your workforce for success in the new environment? Or perhaps you're looking to enhance your current training materials and onboarding process for better efficiency?
Another key consideration: Who will test and validate the newly implemented processes before going live?
In this session, we will explore strategies to:
  1. Enhance User Productivity: Deliver dynamic, role-based training in multiple formats and languages to support Oracle end users effectively.
  2. Integrate In-System Guidance: Utilize an embedded virtual assistant to provide real-time, on-screen navigation and task execution support.
Optimize Documentation Workflows: Generate accurate, up-to-date process documentation efficiently to ensure consistency and compliance.
  1. Maintain Continuous Training Updates: Keep instructional materials automatically aligned with system changes to ensure users always have access to the latest guidance.
  2. Upgrade with Confidence: Implement automated process testing for reliable, repeatable, and high-quality validation, accelerating deployment timelines.
Join us to discover how intelligent automation and guided learning can streamline Oracle upgrades, empower users, and drive operational excellence.
avatar for Christine Eltz

Christine Eltz

Christine Eltz is a ClickLearn customer solutions architect. She combines her extensive knowledge of ClickLearn with expertise in demonstrating its use across all platforms, helping customers discover how it fits into their tech stack.Whether through a private demo, an online webinar... Read More →
avatar for Mark Olesen

Mark Olesen

Mark is the head of sales & partner management in ClickLearn. He has been a sales executive with 10+ years of experience in the software industry. He is driven by the passion for enabling and building close relationship with customers and partners.
Tuesday March 25, 2025 1:30pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 220

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